דורי איזנברג – הורות מיוחדת | About Me
דורי איזנברג - הורות מיוחדת

Parenting is hard work… need help?

Hi, I'm Dori Aizenberg, a parenting counselor. My expertise is helping families with special needs (ADHD, autism, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, behavior and anxiety problems, etc).

I have an MA in Child Development and a BA in Educational Counseling. I also have a wonderful son diagnosed with autism, who taught me more than any school could.

I offer parenting counseling which provides you with practical parenting tools, guidance and emotional support. This special method enables you to manage your home efficiently and improves the parent-child relationship. You will see a positive impact within a few weeks!

Call 054-7644-029

Email: doriaizcm@gmail.com

My Diplomas